#0792 Trees III
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I am involved in a discussion about digital art. There is a big variety of stuff that could be lumped under that name.
The trees are done using real media emulation (RME) (Has any one ever used that acronym?). There are some media that are flat on the surface, pencil, ink, dye and so on. There are some that have depth, like oil. In my opinion the flat stuff emulates well. The fake depth is kitch. I use it all the time!
But what I rarely do is filter images to produce effects. Just as part of the conversation I did that with this tree. I will keep avoiding it I think.
What I don’t avoid is to use the digital media to the full for getting the colours I want and to do other post production work. I also like the “negative” work in the Incantations.
But this computery flare?
What do you think?