
  The project is bursting.  It is time for birth.  The contractions have been coming.  There is nothing I can do, this project will be launched soon. Right now I need to update the pages with references to printing, that has taken a new turn, more about that in the next few posts.

Busting but not yet born.



There is a tradition, and this project may be connected. Giclée. Nice word (Zhi Clay). Fine arts prints using ink jet printers. There is something else afoot in www.thousandsketches.com … Giclée usually involves original physical copies this project does not. The net is more figural in this project, and here is the guts of it: the net is the canvas.

Also: http://www.greatgiclee.com

Conversations with Alex


Alex was here on a visit from Dunedin on the weekend, she is such an enthusiast about art, a tutor in art theory in Dunedin. I just loved our connection & learnt so much, it will come through in the posts to come; and in the sketches! The outstanding moment was as we were talking about one project within the project, something more thematic & dramatic (it will show in in good time):

“Get rid of the fucking cats and flowers & just do 1,000 sketches on this one thing!”

She was involved, not damning. I get it, there is no theme, no unity no form, I had already felt that. I am just starting something unformed, doodling, experimenting with the tools. Our discussions around that got me to think more clearly; taking down stuff would not fit with the bigger idea of this project. There is a bigger idea too. This is project is itself a unified thing, an entity in its own right. It is an artwork of a kind. It is following my journey, catching up from childhood drawing, integrating it with my current explorations in Cyberspace. I am nakedly showing my process of grappling with art on the net, writing this blog about the journey & doing it all in one one year. The project is the art more than the individual sketches. The sketches will evolve, I am only about 4% into them, there is room to grow.

Also evolving is the project’s own life, and I am evolving.