
Click image to go to the Flower image on the Thousand Sketches site

# 4 Flower

I am going to do a 1000 sketches. My aim is to develop fluidity. I don’t post every sketch & I was about to delete it but this doodle was saved at the last moment by request. Now I quite like it.


Click image to go to the Edward image on the Thousand Sketches site

# 3 Edward

Edward stayed with us on the weekend. I noticed how I was taking photos with sketches in mind.

Later: We had conversations about this project, and no doubt will have more. Search (box top right) with the word Edward.


Click image to go to the Nando image on the Thousand Sketches site

#0002 Nando

Nando is our 3 year old ocicat, jungala variety.

Later (December 06): I look back & I like the sense of line I see here – see post on Signature

#0002 Nando

Nando is our 3 year old ocicat, jungala variety.

Later (December 06): I look back & I like the sense of line I see here – see post on Signature


The beginning is not the Launch. As I write this there are a few things in place: The the ideas are in my head. Thousand Sketches website is active, there are a few sketches up. Now this blog. Firmly in place is my gratitude for all the encouragement. I won’t name people right now but there are plenty who have said “Go for it!”

Some of what is not in place: The plan will be explained in the About page. A firming up of the design of everything online and a launch, some sort of party to celebrate this project.

I will put up 1000 sketches in one year. The prints are for sale.

Please don’t link to the blog or the website just yet, that time will come as the project is Launched!