Earth Cross


Today when I returned to the previous one, it was nothing like I recalled it. So I had to do it again.


Tech note. What happened is that since the crash my picture reduction system is not quite right. I will need to go back and re-do quite a few. They looked a lot better on my screen – and not till studying the blog have I noticed the problem!

I have now redone them all. Whew. Even that earlier cross looks better.


I had a lovely conversation with Christine, a friend. After I’d been chatting about Thousand Sketches for a while she reflected back I had a fascination with form.

She is right, I had never seen that so sharply. I am more fascinated by the form than the content. I like the shape of a sonnet. I’ll sketch it now!

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The canvas is a form. The blog is a form. The limited edition print is a form. (for all the artificial limitation in the digital age) .

Form is a wondrous thing. The medium is the message.


Shakespeare follows:

Continue reading “Form”


In two separate conversations recently the same ideas cropped up. That a core value of art is that it is directly from the self. And art is good if it is innovative, and taps into the zeitgeist of the now. Maybe there moments when those two seemingly opposite aspects come together. They need to be hovering close together.

#0853 Paradox
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