Red City

#0568 Red City
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

I love to doodle & try things – this looks a bit computery and it is. I think I used about five programs in my fiddling, but it did not take that long for all that.

I have some San Francisco skylines in mind and so this is a warm-up .

Balancing Rock

#0566 Balancing Rock
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

This is an art work by my friend John H – which I took a photo of and now sketched. The digital version will survive this ephemeral creation. Rocks are balanced by feel – feel and more feel, an act of love & concentration, a meditation. Balance more rocks!

This particular one with its heart shape reminds me of works by Jim Dine. See the image below

Continue reading “Balancing Rock”


#561 Victorian
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

I am loving all the Victorian wooden Buildings, just like the ones we lived next to in Chester Street in Christchurch!

I will keep sketching till I find a style I like & then do more …