Finding the Wind

#494 Wind
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

The mast is masculine the sail is feminine, and the wind is the spirit of creativity, that is not filling the sail. In the lull, maybe because I had no sail? I have not been satisfied with my sketches, I must say that a lot. Damn. However I got going again and did a lot. with the notion that everything was an exploration. Exploring is always OK. Nothing is wasted. (but still a lot were deleted!)


#493 Land
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

I have this under Landscape (category) but it is imaginal. I am enjoying this one, but it irritates me too, I might make another version of it. And do some more in the style.

Mt. Lyford

#488 Mt. Lyford
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

This one is back to “ArtRage Pastels”. Technically it reminds me of two others. Black Birch stream, from which I can learn more about developing the strokes & the colour, and Hill Lines where there is something about abstraction & line I want to develop. Maybe those represent two directions.

Look at these great ones by Jared Shear


#487 Duchamp
Larger Image.

11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

I have a lot of time for Duchamp. I recall the controversy when an exhibition came to Sydney, must have been late 50s? I was a kid. I thought it was stupid. But now I can see it more clearly. Art looking at art. Art asking what is art, art art. And here is a sketch, hardly art, but a little portal into the question what is art.

It was Duchamp who came up with the idea of recapitulation art, he had a go at all the styles before him, I can see how that leads to thinking about what it is all about.

One thing that it *is* about is the process, the idea, the concept. Was he the first who really got that? Maybe the first to make that idea into art.

How does it tie in with Thousand Sketches? Simple, the idea in the form of the blog + digital images (all open source & on the web) plus prints for sale is the idea that comes tied into the wehole thing. The prints have the Thousand Sketches # on them – they are a physical portal to the site. Buy one now! (or just download one but it won’t have my signature on it.

That was another thing that Duchamp bought into focus. Found objects – signed. Signing something makes quite a statement.


An earlier post, with a podcast I made that quotes another podcast on Duchamp


Animated images related to Duchamp’s Nude (images of that follow!)

Images follow, all by Duchamp.

Continue reading “Duchamp”