Andy Warhol on TV

#486 Andy Warhol on TV
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As the American art critic Dave Hickey explained in Ric Burns’s excellent Warhol documentary, “He wanted to be very famous. It was very important to him. To succeed. It was a mode of survival. He was really driven. I don’t think he spent an hour of his life without thinking about how to make it work.”


Available in a limited edition of 25 prints, pigment ink on archival paper.

This print is available exclusively through the Allen Gallery in Chelsea New York. If you would like to purchase a print please contact Michel Allen.


See prints from the Thousand Sketches exclusive to the Allen Gallery

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Thumbnails for May 2007

Here are the sketches for may 2007. One thing I notice is that quite a few are part of an art exploration month. That hisorical exploration has intensified. Even that blue circle is a reference to Yves Klein. (Though I only discovered that yesterday) This month has been a month of work on non-sketching. Preparation for the sabbatical.

Approaching half way. I want a little party at 500!

Vonnegut – the prints

#485 Kurt Vonnegut
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

I am reading Bluebeard – a novel and also a profound commentary on art. I will add art quotes here as I go.

The interesting thing is that Kurt Vonnegut is also a print producer, I say is, because new work is coming out posthumously through his screen printer collaborator.


Kurt Vonnegut, Novelist Who Caught the Imagination of His Age, Is Dead at 84: New York Times


Continue reading “Vonnegut – the prints”


#484 Wine
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival matte paper.

I am trying to learn to “paint” in Painter, but it is hard! I don’t really like the interface & its complexity. ArtRage has that licked! But the functionality is in Painter if you can find it! After trying paint brushes for a while in this sketch I went back to pastel & ink, that seems to be ok. But I am studying the manual, and have the Painter magazine coming each month. Tutorials. I’ll get there.

And I have added this to the SketchBlog category, I drank that wine! And the reflection is my notebook.


#0483 Chalice
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Neil Dawson’s sculpture in the Christchurch square. Had an idea that as I have the Sydney icons and the Wellington one, what about Christchurch? But it is not in that class for me. Not that I don’t like it. I look out my bathroom and there is a mature lancewood, and it creates a silhouette just like sections of the Chalice. It is also somewhat balanced with the tower of the Cathedral, and you’d think that being a person who descends in to alchemical depths that a chalice would suit me more than a spire. But not really in this place.

I’d like to see the square grey and flat with just the cathedral. I’d force the banks to have only human friendly shops facing the square – high incentives for foot traffic friendly places, big tax sticks for glass walls & anything that does not generate foot traffic. More cafes, pubs, galleries, tee shirt shops (we have those already).

So the chalice to me is an art display, not an iconic feature, and so it needs to find a better home. A square is not a gallery, though some works might go in a square, to build the squareness of it not to compete with it. Neil Dawson’s hanging staircase in the Arts Centre seems to enhance and not compete with the courtyard.


#482 Beehive
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival mat paper.

It loomed like a space ship over me in the dusk. This is in the middle of a city, but the trees and the building filled the scene. This is the government head office in Wellington known as the Beehive.


#481 Cafe
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11″ x 8.5″ image on 13″ x 19″ archival mat paper.

A Pencil layer and an ink layer. Unlike comic artists, I did the ink first!


I added this one to the Daily painters blog. Said a bit more about sketching. Go Here.


#480 Café
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Over a fifteen minute lunch break I did a 2 minute sketch. I have pushed it through my file management system & made a blog image and the larger image. When I post this I will see what it looks like!! This is one of the fantasies of my 1000 sketches to sit and do this for hours not minutes. I could then do 1000s. Some sort of perfectionism has crept in. These images are on show! people see them? I am visible. what does that do to me?