
#437 Bill
Larger Image.

Another in my series from the Kill Bill movie.

It seems fun to do images from movies, I was tempted to do some from “Taxi Driver” which I saw for the first time & quite enjoyed, but wanted to return to the Kill Bill series for sake of fullness & completion (loaded words I notice as I write this … as will be evident in a post still to come – see image #450)

As I post this, but days after I sketched this sketch, I am reading Matthew Collings “This is Modern Art”, an entry about Elizabeth Peyton. She paints images of “The Stars” she says:

I like people who are glamorous because they’re wilful & talented & they can make beautiful things. I think that is what gives them a very special beauty.”

In so far as I do “stars” both from the movies & artists (as does Elizabeth Peyton) there is some agreement with her, but for me it is more about “Truth” than beauty. By the time the image reaches Thousand Sketches it has been in the hands of all the people you see on the credits of the movie, it is a social collaboration, and then I take a picture, and then I select an image from the 100s I take, and then I sketch & delete & select again. I think this is a form of mythologising, of distilling, of searching for the archetypal.


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Thumbnails for March 2007

I have updated the Thumbnails link on the right – they are now all there in bunches of 100. Have look: Thumbnails 000 – 099 and each page has links to the others.

And what follows are the sketches I did in March, I’ll post up this months when the month is done. I am pleased with the months efforts! At that rate I will not complete in one year, but I have the sabbatical coming up!

yBas, Stuckist, Remodern, amodern, Tracey Emin

Remodernist Manifesto

Good stuff, but I still don’t relate.


Early on in this blog a friend thought this project was ‘amodern’, I prefer that to remodern, post modern, stuckist…


At the origin of Stuckism (in that it is a reaction to her art & calling her ex stuck) is Tracey Emin who is famous for stuff like the unmade bed. Ok, sounds like bullshit, but I can see it in the larger context of her art which takes autobiographical art, (“naked blogging” as I do here to a very mild degree) to the ultimate edge. She exhibits her life, her bed mates names, her underwear, her contraception coil. I think she has some guts, and she does follow through on a concept.

Images, links follow.

Continue reading “yBas, Stuckist, Remodern, amodern, Tracey Emin”


Contemporary art is mostly crap, cynical, driven by the market, bullshit.

Mathew Collings & Robert Hughes might agree. They differ in that Collings might add that some of the crap is better than other crap.

Some quotes & images follow.

Continue reading “Debate?”

Update, Matthew Collings – artist, critic, presenter, links to interview, more about art talk.

Hi there, glad you found my site, or have returned, a rambling post coming up…

I update older posts from time to time, Just added more info about one of my podcasts.

I listened to a Kim Hill interview with Matthew Collings I strongly recommend it, you can download it from the link. Kim gets a good conversation going. Main theme: is great art possible today?, especially in painting. Or is it at best a clever satirical footnote. He seem to think it is the latter. He respects highly another critic: Clement Greenberg who was originally quite radical and anti-capitalist, then, according to Collings saw the problems with society as “deeper”.

Now that is an interesting idea. If it is not capitalism but deeper, and I think it is, how can we hold that and not dissolve into despair, even clever despair is not much use. Perhaps despair is a layer to go beyond & not around. Going around it is usually just boring, sentimental, pollyanna, feel good. Hope is not what is required either.

I am motivated to read those essays by Greenberg (see link above). While on the topic of criticism and art talk, Robert Hughes comes up and he has some interesting comment about the differences he has with Hughes.

Interview with Collings,

Salon interview with Collings.

An anti Collings comment – makes sense too.

Mathew Collings & wife Emma Biggs Collaborative art.

Article on Hughes, Guardian

A Collings/Biggs art work follows

Continue reading “Update, Matthew Collings – artist, critic, presenter, links to interview, more about art talk.”

Worcester Gallery & Alison Ryde

Right opposite the Arts Centre Café is the Worcester Gallery. In the early 80s we looked at buying this house, but bought Chester Street instead, as this one had too much work to do on it. All that work has now been done. I had an hour or two free & decided to pop in before doing some work in the café. I knocked on the door & was delighted with of the works in this gallery in a boutique little hotel.

I particularly liked the works of Alison Ryde, a Christchurch artist now working in Italy.

One of hers I like follows:

Continue reading “Worcester Gallery & Alison Ryde”


I visited Papergraphica the gallery & Printmaking place that is just around the corner from where I live. They had beautiful stuff on the walls. They collaborate with artists!

Situated in Christchurch, New Zealand, PaperGraphica is a printmaking studio that specialises in fine lithographs, woodcuts and etchings.

Artists travel to the studio, generally staying for a week, and work with master printer Marian Maguire and her team on single images or suites of work.

Each printmaking medium has its own characteristics and it is the response the artist makes to their chosen medium that enlivens the work. All the images produced at PaperGraphica are limited edition original multiples. They are not copies of previously existing artworks, and both artist and printer work intimately with the process.

Some images follow.

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Dream: Calm Death

#0435 Dream: Calm Death
Larger Image.

I dreamt a leader had died. Not tragically, but in the right sort of way. Perhaps he was an artist or a Psychodrama director. There was a ceremony with many who were intimately connected. In the dream I was given a clear image to sketch of the man who died, and this reproduces it fairly well.

“A Writer’s San Francisco” – Eric Maisel – author – Paul Madonna – illustrator.

I wrote a post while back about a book I read by Eric Maisel. Yesterday I received two more books written by Eric. A Writer’s San Francisco and Ten Zen Seconds

Let me talk about the first one. What a beautiful hard cover book. The production values really sine through. Click the Amazon link above & see great reviews, I agree with all those five ***** star ones.

Not that I have read all the essays yet but I love the link he makes with his Paris book. What makes Paris akin to San Francisco? Nothing except that there is attraction to the bohemian life. As it sais on the web blurb:

Every writer needs a simpatico environment to be productive, and what better place than that mecca of creativity, San Francisco?

It is a “Guided Journey for the Creative Soul” His focus is writing but I read sketching.

And like the Paris book there is the encouragement to bring forth.

If he is a writer he will write, whether atop Nob Hill or South of market.

This works for me, whether on my trip to San Francisco or right here now!


I like the sketches by Paul Madonna. Article about him with links to video.

Nice little image off his website:


I am really looking forward to reading the book, all part of an up coming visit by Eric to my blog. Yes! It is part of his world blog tour to promote Ten Zen Seconds.

Here are some images from his “all over coffee’ strip & book. I could not find any of the more colourful ones in this book.

Continue reading ““A Writer’s San Francisco” – Eric Maisel – author – Paul Madonna – illustrator.”