
Reading a book, A Writer’s Paris, by Eric Maisel

I bought it because I like the sketches by Danny Gregory but the book is lovely in its tone. It is totally relevant for me at this moment – substitute sketching for writing (unless you call this writing) and Paris for anywhere and it is the right book for me now!

It is helpful on such things as discipline & freedom, getting in the mood, how to get unstuck. I think Eric Maisel is a psychotherapist & he sounds like a good one to me!

Ordered his book on San Francisco on Amazon.

Sketches by Danny Gregory follow for Inspiration
Continue reading “Paris”


#0370 Elvis
Click for larger image.

1. I just read a great book.
2. The topic came up in a forum I am in.
3. I had the digital liquid ink pen in my hand & I could not help it.
4. It just occurred to me it would be fun to try an Elvis tag.
5. I am a fan!
6. Elvis looks like David, the classic artist subject.

How would it look printed on pure pink velvet?

The book of course is Tarzan Presley, by Nigel Cox, a great book with a few legal constrains around it, out of print & selling now for hundreds of $ – I have one & just finished it. The Elvis backstory is just right, he grew up with the apes in New Zealand!


Available in a limited edition of 25 prints, pigment ink on archival paper.

This print is available exclusively through the Allen Gallery in Chelsea New York. If you would like to purchase a print please contact Michel Allen.


See prints from the Thousand Sketches exclusive to the Allen Gallery.
