My Day’s Circle – Psyberspace Thousand Sketches Podcast
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About 20 minutes of my reflections on art, modernism, sketchblogs, journals, realism, and my own efforts here in Thousand Sketches


Found the link of the things I refer to:

Judith Wright’s Poem South of my Days

KCRW’s resident art critic, Edward Goldman. Art Talk Constable Podcast

The podcast page on Art Renewal Centre


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#355 Harakeke
Click for larger image.

Harakeke is the Maori name for New Zealand flax. I have a category for it on the right, Flax, click that & you will see a wide variety of ways I have connected with this iconic plant.

This one was flowering but on display outside a shop called Harakeke in the new High street development in Christchurch.

I am pleased with the way my Ink & Wash style is evolving.


This print is in a limited edition of 25 Giclée prints on A4, 21 cm x 29.7 cm archival paper. The image size is 13 cm x 13 cm. Suitable for a smaller frame. The next available print is: 1/25 Purchase Print


Sunday, 17 August, 2008

This image is availalable printed in a limited edition. It is available exclusively on Felt, a New Zealand Art & Craft website.

image felt art for sale site


#354 People
Click for larger image.

Using my Tablet PC as a moleskine sketchbook. When I had the initial moment of doing 1000 sketches I had something like this in my mind. Doing lots and developing a finesse.


This print is in a limited edition of 25 Giclée prints on A4, 21 cm x 29.7 cm archival paper. The image size is 17.5 cm x 12.5 cm. The next available print is: 1/25 Purchase Print


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#353 Nature
Click for larger image.

Pollock, when told he had to do more work from nature or he would get repetitive, said, “I am Nature”.

I did not really mean to do this one, but I just got carried away with strokes.

I post, partly because of the lovely idea I from a conversation with Edward about recapitulation. The sense I have is that I can’t really move on till I fully recapitulate the past. Duchamp did that.


Purchase Print


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