Pine Ridge

#180 Pine Ridge

I pronounced this one done. It was done quite quickly, but not really as there were a few goes that took a lot longer, but which I deleted. The speed seems to give it more character & freedom. It is in two pencil settings – one with just the point, the other with the largest possible he”angle” simulating a pencil used on its edge. Its done but I was after another look. There may be more along these lines to come!

All day I have been looking at the world thinking how could I do that in pencil? It is particularly hard when it comes to large areas of black & whiter than white highlights. How can that be done? I notice that sort of contrast on peoples faces. More pencil pending.


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Stella Saddle

#175 Stella Saddle

Mostly sketched with the pen set to oil. Learning how to do sky. It worked here by having just the right amount of virtual turps in the mix. 100 makes for light and 95 is already quite dark!

This is the view from the stumps up to the saddle where the ski field road goes up to Lake Stella. This view is one that people see when they go on the “Stumps” Horse Trek.