#0838 Pattern5e
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Layer Tunnel Pattern
#0835 Layer Tunnel Pattern
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In a lot of art it is integral that one can see the process, in the strokes, or even in the glimpse of the studio. The tools are showing here!
Still don’t have my Tablet back. Do have a new disk from the crashed HDD, has a lot of good stuff rescued, but not the missing 10 days sketches. Yet. Back to the HDD Dr. tomorrow.
Far from feeling curtailed today, I am stimulated by the process of the technological and human failures (failed to backup those missing days – I was moving around too much to reconnect the external drive, so Second Copy would simply say “Drive not found” and go back to sleep.)
One good thing was a synchronicity while surfing. I found some digital art I liked. There is so much, and so much of that leaves me neutral.
Somehow they also got me sketching, thinking.
Here are 2 images I saw & liked.
Continue reading “Layer Tunnel Pattern”
I wanted to see these together. I am going against the digital tweaking ethos I gave myself, but then the computer got into a huff.
These three were done in the new ArtRage 2.5. It may seem like I am lauding a child’s toy, but it is the most wonderful toy. I see that with the stencils, new in the version I just installed, at this opportune moment, they have made ArtRage 2.5 highly non-pen friendly. It has whole new levels of functionality as one can add stencils, gradients, and textures of one’s own. It goes beyond a toy as it will work to an amazing depth, infinite depth. Annd innovative: Look at the ruler! They have made a ruler for cyberspace!
These are images: #0829 Stencil #0830 Stencil #0831 Stencil and you can click on them to see a larger one.
I had to use the full name of each image: eg #0829 Stencil so that any objects produced can phone home through Google. They will!
Mondrian R2
#0828 Mondrian R2
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Look no pen! This originated on the Mondrimat site. I did a bit of post-production in ArtRage 2 and also in ACDsee. Piet Mondrian is just one of those people I was thinking of who was cutting edge. Arrangement, composition even when there is very little else to go on, or especially when there is little to distract from the abstraction, counts. Not a new idea, but he made an art form out of that simple idea.
The software uses his rules, even though I don’t know what they are. So there is a bit of original Piet Mondrian in this! Though I confess to thinking Diebenkorn as well.
Related: Pollock’o’matics.
#0824 Curtailed
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I can think “arm move” and it does. There are people who have lost or never had that ability. I have lost the ability to sketch on my screen like I used to. Temporarily, frustrating rather than a tragedy. I have also possibly lost the last few sketches – and the originals of a few more, I’ll hear tomorrow.
Firstly more about this sketch which was done with a pen on a digital pad, and then some reflections on evolution.
Earth Cross IV
Earth Cross, War
#0825 Earth Cross, War
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In these abstracts I go into a meditation. This one I had to exit in a hurry. Why came up in later reflection and it is war. It is painful to look at this image. I moved onto the next, quickly.
Monday, 16 June, 2008
This image is now featured in the Gallery