#0899 Vegies
Pre-dinner sketch.
Walter Logeman Art Project 2006-7
0890 Hills6
These images arose driving back to Christchurch from Mt. Lyford and being struck by the colour and flow of the hills. The first image took a while but then ad libbed more to do the next one and this one is an elaboration of a bit of the last one.
Landscape. Place. Wolf Kahn’s America : an artist’s travels has plenty of art talk to chew on as well as great pastels.
Here is one idea I like, gives a nice depth to landscapes & may lead to some integration.
These reproductions take me right to the times and places I want to remember. They serve also to document moments that the painter Robert Henri in his book The Art Spirit called “states of higher awareness.” Of these moments, Henri wrote, “The pictures are a witness.” It is dear to me that an artist’s pictures are thus the repositories of much more than what he saw before him. A picture represents more than what the conscious mind grasped – at the time – the so-called subject matter.
Wolf Kahn
#0888 Hills
Have been working with this one for a while, resurrected it. Thinking about pastel. A while back someone said that my landscape pastels reminded them of Wolf Kahn. I managed to find a book by him the other day, and I love his work. One side in the war aspires to be a Wolf Kahn. I don’t think I’ll quit on that aspiration either.
Monday, 18 August, 2008
This image is availalable printed in a limited edition. It is available exclusively on Felt, a New Zealand Art & Craft website.
I have made the image square:
Some of his Kahn’s images (poor snaps) follow.