Earth Cross


#0867 Earth Cross

I am in this phase of the 800s where crosses will dominate for a while. Here in this post are three more exploring this base.


0868 Earth Cross


0869 Earth Cross

Earth Cross 5a

0870 Earth Cross

Evening Landscape


More sketching using an earlier one.

There is a tension between my work with abstracts and the more sketchbook work. I am obsessed with my explorations of the simple lines of a cross. There is the desire to develop something from my earlier landscapes, desire but not the will. This one is here – because I am sketching… it is a step, who knows if there is another step.

Earth Cross


Today when I returned to the previous one, it was nothing like I recalled it. So I had to do it again.


Tech note. What happened is that since the crash my picture reduction system is not quite right. I will need to go back and re-do quite a few. They looked a lot better on my screen – and not till studying the blog have I noticed the problem!

I have now redone them all. Whew. Even that earlier cross looks better.