Black White Blue

#0816 Black White Blue
Larger Image.

This is still part of the repeat process in the previous two images. My mother in law Marg, a landscape Gardiner, looked out at a row of cherry blossom trees in full bloom in Hagley Park, each tree had a dark tree as a back drop. She said, thy have followed a principle here I always recommend: “When you are onto a good thing, repeat, repeat repeat.”

That gave me permission in a way to repeat older ideas and of course there is repetition within these images as well.

Some ideas of making this one physical follow:

Continue reading “Black White Blue”


#0802 Henry
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From a video, a documentary called Who Gets to Call It Art? by Peter Rosen. (review) This is the Henry who was …. well what? Some sort of mentor to Andy Warhol and David Hockney and a whole bunch of N.Y. abstract expressionists. Will write more here, and post work from both of those artists of Henry if I can find it, and hopefully one by Alice Neel. It is such a male bunch, but there were women and she must have been one, as well as Lee Krasner, they still fall away in the gender gap.

Have found some more:

Continue reading “Henry”

Canterbury Plains from the air

#0801 Canterbury Plains from the air
Larger Image.


[private role=”administrator”]

Admin Only:
Thursday, February 24, 2011 Walter,

Depending on your location you may or may not be in a position to answer my enquiry…
I am interested in print #0801 Canterbury Plains from the Air which I discovered on your blog Thousand Sketches and would greatly appreciate information on pricing and size options.
Again, I hope that you are safe and well.
Kind regards,


Dear Rachel,

I am in Christchurch, and we are ok, house is ok. Thanks for asking.

#0801 – That one is available. I’d recommend the A3 plus size 329 x 483 (19 inches wide though the image itself will be less) The image is wider than usual, so would look better on a larger width, even if the height were trimmed in framing.

The price for that is $140, plus postage of $30, packed flat and well protected.

You could pick it up if you dare come into the place and they let you in, I am within the cordoned area, though you could come to my work in Papanui road.

A3 is $110 with $20 postage and A4 is $90 with 10 postage.

You can pay online

Westpac 03 0802 0144073 000

Warm wishes,
