Tent, Tablet PC, and a project!

#409 Tent
Larger Image.

It is not really that comfortable or that easy to sketch on a Tablet while camping. But I did a bit! What I did have is power to the site, wireless access and shade so I could see the screen (almost adequately).

However I need a desk! One of the hardest things to find on the go is a good desk.

I did find a nice little gazebo with a good table in it, but no power, and too bright.


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Cat and a Tablet PC

#192 Ego & Tablet

I copied this one from a photo on Tabletology a blog about tablet PCs by Olga and Lynette with a nice feel, & cats & dogs.

I think the cat is called Ego, and I have no idea what sort of tablet it is, maybe a TC1100?


This print is in a limited edition of 25 Giclée prints on A4, 21 cm x 29.7 cm archival paper. The image size is 17.5 cm x 12.5 cm. The next available print is: 1/25


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Being Digital – Tablet PC – exploring a medium


I realised that it is not immediately obvious that the images I do are created digitally. In fact it was not clearly mentioned in my About page till I added it just a day or so ago.

This is a project with minimal parameters – one is to do 1000 in one year, the other is to do them all digitally, which in essence means using my Tablet PC or Palm Treo.

The time frame creates a frame – not unlike the frame around a painting. It is a space within which to explore & see what arises.

Being digital is similar. There is diversity & choice – there is also a clear line.

It is obvious that I am looking over the fence, Yesterday’s post: colligraphy and today I found myself following up on egg tempera mentioned in Katherine Terrell’s post! There is media envy, and you cans see why – that crappy little pen is all I ever use!

I am reading a about peoples work Рand loving that Рmany are also exploring & blogging their creative development, they are material people. I am also keen to find others who are doing what I do, virtual stuff, Tablet PC + Gicl̩e prints. The medium allows diversity & also has its own constraints. If you know of others or you are one, please let me know.

There must be lots of people using the various painting & drawing software… so I guess I am curious also about those who use it to explore their creative journey.

Which brings me to another post… Creativity.

Tablet PC & Art

JK On the Run, Tablet PC expert James Kenrick has posted positive and focussed words about Thousand Sketches. Thanks James. James has a great podcast that I have been listening to for a long time.

Tablet PC people have taken some interest in my work, and rightly so, without my tablet where would I be? I would not be doing 1000 sketches that is for sure.