Thousand Sketches Video

It is summer and here is a re-run. But you may not have seen it, I hardly did! It was not even linked into my Video Category. I enjoyed watching it, it has inspired me to make a few more. This was first posted October 29 2006, just a month or so into the project. I intended to keep making videos, but just doing the sketches took over my life. The time to bring out some of the best in the project with music, narration & images is still ahead! Even more I’d like to make them about the stuff I am doing now. Stay tuned.

The video re-captures for me how my journey into art began. If I say so myself I like the closing line, “What I want has very little to do with it.”

My first Thousand Sketches video on YouTube


The Thousand Sketches project is fully launched

Last Friday we had the launch of the project, the real life physical one with food & wine. Many people came along, and I am very pleased, thanks for your interest & enthusiasm!

It was quite amazing to see all those pictures up on the wall – and to think that only a couple of months ago there were none! If you have photos from the night – please send, I was too busy to take any! I have a bit of video from the ending, I’ll spliced that together:


I was pleased how easily people valued the project as a whole and the way I am cooking up something. A common remark is: “I wonder what number 800, or 1000 will look like?”. One person said: “It’s a performance.” well observed, I do find my self unexpectedly on a stage. “It is not only how you are doing it, but what you are doing.” Right, very Louis Kahn. “At the end of alchemy is a miracle.” “Trust the impulse, return to the impulse.”




#121 Scarlet3

This is the first of an unfinished series. I love the YouTube video that was made for the Bob Dylan 2006 album “Modern Times” I began making sketches from that video a while back and wanted to put the whole series up in one go. I have more to do! They have been challenging. However, I will give them a category, and so eventually they can all be seen on the blog in one go anyway.



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